SKScheMa®    1.x
©2005-2009, SKKV Software
radio subsystems status | #chkwlan, #chkbt, #chkgsm |
screen state (on or off) | #chkscreen |
screen orientation (true - landscape, false - portrait, square screen - unknown state) | #chklandscape |
files or folders existence | #chkfile, #chkfolder |
ActiveSync connection status | #chkasconnection |
SKScheMa start status (true if SKScheMa event is reason of power on device) | #chkstart |
SKScheMa watch status (true for ON, false for SUSPEND, unknown for OFF) | #chkwatch |
String include caller ID? (true for yes, false for no, unknown if callerid not defined) #chkcid(+11233456789;9876543;1111111) |
#chkcid |
Caller ID include string? (true for yes, false for not, unknown if callerid not defined) #chkincid(9876543) |
#chkincid |
Device power on AC line? (true for yes, false for not, unknown if unknown state) |
#chkac |
SIP status |
#chksip |
String1 include any substring from String2? (result - TRUE) Or String1 is substring of String2? (result FALSE) Othervise - result UNKNOWN String2 can include separator ";" #chkstrings(String1) #d(String2) #chkstrings(12345) #d(1234;aaaaaa;bbbbbbb) - result TRUE #chkstrings(aaaaaaaaaa) #d(1234;aaaaaa;bbbbbbb) - result TRUE #chkstrings(aaa) #d(1234;aaaaaa;bbbbbbb) - result FALSE #chkstrings(ccccc) #d(1234;aaaaaa;bbbbbbb) - result UNKNOWN |
#chkstrings |