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Q: What is FreeUP RAM?
A: This tool lets you free some random access memory (RAM) which is occupied by applications, but is not currently used. The principle of this command is based on a kind of trickery with the operating system – the utility imitates the situation when the memory is critically low. This makes the system perform some actions to free additional memory.

Q: How can i use it?
A: You can:
  • run it from SKTools menu or as separate shortcut from menu "Programs"
  • schedule automatic start during necessary time
  • use FreeUP RAM Service

Q: What is FreeUP RAM Service?
A: This is a program running in the background mode (unnoticeably to the user) and intiating a RAM release process from time to time.

Q: How does this program work?
A: The program monitors how other programs are launched and closed ("events") and performs a RAM release based on these events in accordance with its settings. There are two RAM release modes: soft and hard. The soft mode means defragmentation of RAM allocated to programs for data storage and is performed on every event. The hard mode is performed based on the conditions defined in settings and emulates RAM shortage and forces the system to release RAM.

Q: Will FreeUP RAM Service close active tasks?
A: FreeUP RAM Service does not close any programs, moreover, FreeUP RAM uses a special technique to protect active tasks from being closed by the system, but in some cases it is not sufficient and the system may close tasks at its own discretion.

Q: How can I get this program?
A: FreeUP RAM as separate command for manual and scheduled start available with SKTools.
FreeUP RAM Service is a part of the following programs: SKTools, SKScheMa, SKMenu. Having installed one of these programs, you can activate FreeUP RAM Service in the settings.

Q: Can I control the results of FreeUP RAM Service work?
A: The number of events, the result on the last event (the amount of released RAM in bytes) and the average result can be found on the settings page.

Q: What can I change in FreeUP RAM Service work?
A: You can set:
  • Working mode. It defines how often a hard RAM release will be performed (a soft RAM release will be performed on every event).
  • System stress level during a hard RAM release.
  • Minimum time between two hard RAM releases and a pause time before such a RAM release.
  • The reason for a RAM release: either a RAM release will be performed after programs are launched and closed or only after programs are closed.

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